What Real Estate Lawyers in Calgary Can Do for Homebuyers and Sellers

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It is quite a normal experience to be overwhelmed by the amount of work involved in real estate transactions. There are tons of paperwork to be done, deadlines you should not miss, and fees that must be paid.

A real estate Lawyers in Calgary is a licensed professional which specialises in these kinds of transactions and the nuances of law involving real estate. While hiring a Calgary Real estate lawyers may come with a cost, always consider having one with you whether you are a homebuyer or selling a property. These experienced professionals will ensure your rights are being protected as well as guarantee that you will not miss any important deadline that can make the process much longer and more expensive than it should be.

On the next following topics we will look over what a real estate lawyer can do for you as a home buyer, or as a seller.

What Can a Real Estate Lawyer Do For You As a Homebuyer?

Acquiring a property is always hard work, it does not matter if you are buying it for the first time or not. There is due diligence that needs to be done, and tasks to be completed to ensure the property you want to acquire is in top shape and you have surprises down the road. A real estate lawyer will be your best friend in those situations.

One of the most important things a real estate lawyer will support you with is the title search. Title searches are examinations of public records to make sure that the seller is allowed to pass the property to someone else.

Real estate lawyers can act as your “proxy”, being the middle ground that will deal with the seller of the property regarding documentation, giving you legal advice, and dealing with financial transactions.

Financial transactions are an important part of their job as well, actually. They can negotiate mortgages to get better rates, and in partnership with the seller’s real estate lawyer, they can withhold the funds in trust to properly use it at the right moment to avoid missing deadlines and make sure that everything is in accordance with regulations so you do not waste time or more money.

Overall, they are in your best interest as the buyer to ensure that every part of the operation runs smoothly, so you do not need to stress over this instead.

What Can a Real Estate Lawyer Do For You As a Seller?

In the same way a home buyer has tons of paperwork and obligations on their end to ensure the transaction goes smoothly, so does the seller. And the seller’s best friend during any big transactions or transfer of property is a real estate lawyer to ensure that their rights and best interests are protected.

Your real estate lawyer will act in partnership with the home buyer’s real estate lawyer to make sure all requirements are being met and everything is being done according to regulations. One of the most important aspects is reviewing the Agreement of Purchase, and other documents to ensure that your best interests are being looked after when negotiating terms and conditions. They will facilitate transactions so you do not need to worry about it and meet all deadlines, as well as give you legal advice on how to proceed with a transaction.

Real estate lawyers are trained professionals and they can offer a great variety of expertise that people that haven’t been trained in the nuances of the law will not normally have.

They can also provide legal defence in case you need to settle a dispute between you and the buyer. Having one with you throughout the process from the beginning will not only save you time and money but also stress.


While not everything a real estate lawyer can do for you, these are some of the most pivotal things they can help you with to ensure a smooth transaction that will benefit all parts involved – the seller will proceed with a transaction without problems, and the buyer will acquire the property they intended to have without issues.

A real estate lawyer can even support you even with zoning and land use, making sure the property you are acquiring can be used for the intended purposes you have in mind, or work to petition the change of the zoning so it can meet your requirements.

There are many ways of finding a real estate lawyer with experience that will fit your needs, look over the recommendations from other buyers and sellers, or do your research online to find possible candidates and meet them. While a significant expense at first, depending on your case it will be in your best interest to have one to work with.

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