This month, I would like to start turning the spotlight on people that are making a difference in the city. While your suggestions continue to come in for these distinguished individuals, given the current situation in the city, it is important to pay respect to the frontline workers that have been giving it their all to ensure the health and safety of the rest of us.

Calgary has truly found a way to salute their frontline health workers. The tradition has been that every day at 7pm, Calgary police, fire and emergency services turn on their sirens for a drive-by salute at the South Calgary, Rockyview and Peter Lougheed hospitals, paying tribute to nurses, doctors and other health professionals putting themselves on the front line on a daily basis.

Certain volunteer groups have raised funds in order to ensure that there is adequate supply of medically approved masks and gloves for the front-line health care workers. While there have been shortages at times in other parts of the country, Alberta has ensured that there is enough inventory in storage thus far.

Unions are stepping in for frontline food workers to ensure that their health and safety in turn, is being protected. Recent outbreaks at major processing plants in High River and Brooks have some suggesting that food production may be given more of a priority than worker wellness which should not be the case.

Most Calgary grocery chains have shown their appreciation for their front-line employees by temporarily hiking wages. Retroactively back to early March, most workers have been receiving an extra $2.00 to $2.50/hour, which has been a positive. These workers are dealing with unique situations on a daily basis, combating organizing food barren aisles, to ensuring that proper protocols are being followed by consumers while shopping in stores.

Steve Dimic
If you have a person in mind for the expose, or any other ideas for future topics, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

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