Common Law Relationships

Your relationship is growing, but you do not believe in the traditional concept of marriage, or do not believe marriage should define the type of bond that you have with your significant other. Marriage may eventually happen, but for now, it is not necessary to validate the beautiful relationship that you have and continue to build on. 

If your relationship is unfortunately deteriorating, you may be concerned about your future, and the future of your children, if any are involved. 

Let us PROTECT you from this burden and assist you in SAFEGUARDING YOUR INTERESTS.  We can ensure that appropriate Cohabitation and Separation Agreements are entered into to avoid any future pitfalls. 

To be in a common law or an adult interdependent partner, you have either lived with a person in a relationship of interdependence for a continuous period of 3 years or more; or, lived with a person in a relationship of interdependence for less than 3 years but you have a child together; or, signed an agreement with the other person.

Common law separation is covered under the Family Law Act and the Alberta Interdependent Relationship Act but not under the Divorce Act. 

Most of how the issues of spousal supportchild support, and custody and access , remain the same. 

In addition, as of January 1, 2020, the law in Alberta dealing with property division  changed significantly. The Matrimonial Property Act was renamed the Family Law Act and now applies to unmarried couples in adult interdependent relationships. Common law spouses now have the same property right as married couples. . 

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